Transfercar have a number of Australian companies needing their vehicles relocated across the Bass Strait between Hobart, Melbourne and then further on to other cities such as Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane. As we often get questions as to prices and ferry times etc, we thought it would be a good subject to write about. Continue reading To and from Hobart, Australia on the Spirit of Tasmania: Ferry times, booking and prices
Category: Sights & Attractions
Crossing the Cook Strait, New Zealand by ferry: Travel times, booking, prices & other interesting information
Travelling between the North and South Islands of New Zealand means crossing the Cook Strait. The only way to do this with a vehicle is by taking a ferry with either the Interislander or Bluebridge which both arrive and depart from Picton and Wellington.
The Cook Strait crossing (Raukawa Moana in Māori) is the connection between the Tasman Sea on the West, the South Pacific Ocean on the East and the North and South Islands of Aotearoa.
Considered one of New Zealand’s most iconic tourist experiences, and one of the most spectacular ferry crossings in the world, crossing the Cook Strait is a top to-do on many travellers bucket list. As with many stunning vistas though, the Cook Strait is also considered one of the most dangerous and unpredictable pieces of aquatic paradise around. Continue reading Crossing the Cook Strait, New Zealand by ferry: Travel times, booking, prices & other interesting information
Driving in Australia: Surviving the outback
The Australian outback is not your most friendliest piece of landscape and it is not uncommon to hear about international travellers (and a few locals) being stranded in remote regions, or lost in heavy bush-land and at times with deadly consequences.
As Transfercar has companies offering their free cars for relocation across the Australian outback, we feel it’s worth discussing some safety tips for driving in these regions. Continue reading Driving in Australia: Surviving the outback
Looking for a free car or rental to drive overseas? Here’s what you need to know
Finding free cars to drive overseas is relatively easy. You can visit any one of the hundreds of rental companies offering a relocation, drive away or stand by car. You can also check out one of the online relocation companies such as Transfercar who list free rentals on their website for multiple organisations.
However, just because it’s a free or incredibly cheap vehicle, this does not mean it is not bound by the regular rental terms and conditions.
For this reason it is important to know what to look for before you sign on any dotted lines. First things first though, make a list of all the questions you want to ask them, then: Continue reading Looking for a free car or rental to drive overseas? Here’s what you need to know
Transfercar relocations in the USA!
It’s a new day, it’s a new dawn, it’s a new country for Transfercar relocations!
That’s right, Transfercar now offers you a delectable selection of free to drive deluxe relocation cars, campervans and RVs all across the big, bold and beautiful USof A.
Travelling from Christchurch to Queenstown: What are my options?
Like any great travel story, you can get a varying array of travel times and distance options between locations. This journey is no different! Depending on the route you choose to take travelling between Queenstown and Christchurch can take you anything from 3 – 6 hours and can be 320 to 480 kms (or more).
Whichever way you choose to go, you won’t be disappointed.
From the flat rolling hills of the East Coast to the craggy wilds of the high country, this is a stunning journey best taken at a slow and leisurely pace. Don’t be fooled by the short distance though. New Zealand roads can be winding and at time dangerous, so keep your foot steady and your eyes on the road! Continue reading Travelling from Christchurch to Queenstown: What are my options?